fauna artwork


At The Tasmanian Honey Company, we’re passionate about educating the world about the power of this golden elixir and the incredible effort that bees go to in order to produce such a beneficial product. 

  • There are over 1,500 species of Australian native bees and around 20,000 different species globally.
  • A bee’s brain is as small as a sesame seed, but they are excellent Mathematicians and Engineers. They know a hexagon is the strongest shape and will give them the maximum storage capacity.
  • Bees have 5 eyes. 2 compound eyes on each side of their head that are made up of tiny lenses, and 3 simple eyes on the top of the head.
  • They can see all colours except for red.
  • A honeybees wings stroke 11,400 times per minute!
  • Worker bees have a 6-8 week life span.
  • One bee will only produce 1/2 of a teaspoon of honey in their lifetime.
  • When a honeybee has found a new patch of flowers they will go back to the hive a preform a “Waggle dance”, much like a figure of 8. This communication is telling the other workers the direction and distance to the newly found nectar and pollen.
  • Honeybees never sleep!
  • Drones (male) do not have stingers. If a Worker bee (female) stings they will die shortly after.
  • The average beehive can house around 50,000 bees.
  • Each bee has 170 odorant receptors, which means they are extremely sensitive to smell.
  • A single Queen bee can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day.
  • The Queen can select the sex of their larvae.
  • Bees are the best pollinators in the world. Around 1/3 of our food comes from bees honey pollination.
  • To make 1 jar of honey, bees need to visit around 2 million flowers.
  • Honey is the only food that will not rot.
  • Honey is the only food that contains all the essential nutrients needed to sustain life.
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How do bees make honey?

A typical hive will house around 60,000 bees which is made up of around 95% female worker bees (forager and hive workers), 5% male drones and 1 Queen. Foraging bees will collect nectar by visiting between 50-100 flowers per flight. Using their proboscis (bee tongue) they will suck a small amount of nectar from each […]

What is Candied honey?

Candied honey is formed by encouraging the natural crystallization process of raw honey. Natural honey contains 2 types of sugars, glucose, and fructose. Honey will begin as liquid but over time, especially in the cooler months, natural crystallization will start when the glucose forms crystals. After extracting, the liquid honey is stored in bulk containers […]

Wild West Coast Tasmania

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Ark of Taste

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Why bees are the best pollinators in the world!

Many flowers cannot produce seeds unless pollen is carried from the male part of a flower to the female part. This process is called pollination. More than 80% of all pollination occurs by insects, including beetles, moth’s and flies but the Honeybee is the leader because they spend most of their life collecting pollen, as […]

Alchemy symbols

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The formation of Beeswax explained

The foraging worker bee collects nectar from the flower, stores it in their abdomen and flies back to the hive where they pass it on to the “hive bees”. When combined with their saliva the hive bee uses their honey stomachs to break down the structure of the sugar content in honey before they regurgitate […]

How (and why) to substitute sugar with honey in your cooking

Founder, Julian Wolfhagen – After more than 40 years in the industry, he’s still passionate about producing honey.“Every culture holds honey in a very reverential place and that’s because of the health that it brings,” Wolfhagen tells SBS Food. “It’s high in antioxidants, it has a low GI, which makes it quite suitable for certain […]

The Honey Bee

Honey bees, like ants, termites and some wasps are social insects. Unlike ants and wasps, bees are vegetarians; their protein comes from pollen and their carbohydrate comes from honey which they make from nectar. Honey Bees make combs of waxen cells placed side by side that provide spaces to rear young and to store honey. […]

The Great Manuka Dispute

LEPTOSPERMUM SCOPARIUM Manuka honey in Australia is derived from the Leptospermum Scoparium, also known as the Teatree. The Leptospermum species is comprised of 86 recognised subspecies, of which only two are found outside of Australia. One, Leptospermum recurvum is found in Sabah, Malaysia, and Sulawesi, Indonesia. The other is the Leptospermum scoparium which is found […]